Beijing or Bust?

I am headed to Beijing, China to meet up with a Chinese-American business woman that I have known for about a decade.  She is going to introduce me to luxury department stores in China so that I can gain a better understanding of how to bring American better brands to the growing Chinese middle and upper class.   One of the fastest growing consumer purchasing powers of luxury goods is China.   China has a huge population and a growing middle class with huge purchasing power.    Many European brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry and many others have already successfully entered China and have many profitable stores.   My goal is to be able to help smaller brands expand into international markets, not only China, but other Asian countries as well.   

In the past my consulting has been focused on design, product development and production.   In the future I would like to be be able to be an expert in sales and marketing not only to US customers but overseas as well.  

The smog is horrible in Beijing, check out these images below.  Wow!  I have lived in Seattle and now in San Diego so we have some beautiful weather and clean air.  I cannot imagine what it is like to have the air so full of particles that is seems like dusk during the day.    I will find out soon enough.

I love to travel, even if it is not a leisure trip, I like to see new things and eat new foods.  This is not my first time to China, but its the first time I am going to Beijing.

Nee, How Ma?  I wish I knew more of the language!  Maybe next year!  If I have time I can take Chinese 101.  I have a good grasp of the Thai language so Chinese should be easy, right?


Smog in Beijing

LED screen showing the sunset or is this the sunrise? The locals can't see it due to the smog so they project it onto the screen.  Unbelievable.  


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