Are your designs on celebrities?
Many times I have been asked by various online stores or PR people if I can provide them with photos of my designs on celebrities! I also get invited to celebrity lounge give-a-ways in the Los Angeles area. These events are held in and around Hollywood and you have to pay thousands of dollars to give away your bags and fashion goodies to B list celebs at best-all for free-of course!. Of course I would be honored if a celebrity wanted to purchase and carry one of my fashion items. That would be great. However, I do not gift celebrities as a general rule. 4 out of 5 bags that I give away are for charity events. 1 out of 4 items I give away are for local press or events of friends that I like to support. I am flattered if a celebrity wants to wear my bags, but frankly I don't have the time to look up celebrities PR people to send them free goodies. I am a a self funded collection 100%. Which means each and every bag I produce is made because I worked as a freelance handbag d...