New Website Devoted to Bag People!
I stumbled across a new website that is devoted to bags of all types and covers everything from reviews to the backgrounds of the designers behind the various brands. If you are bag geek like me you will love this site! It is based out of Australia and the name is Carryology . The website is The name is a fun play on words. I love this site! Right now its just for fun, but if you love their site, like them on facebook and help spread the word. This is the only site I have ever seen in the past ten years that is devoted to bags of all types. Yes, there is the and and those type of sites dedicated to women's high end designer handbags, but this site is for bags in general for both men and women. The site is owned and operated by the team that is behind a wallet brand for men that can be found at better boutiques and department stores in Australia and the United States. Worth a look! Ciao...