Just wrapped up two days at a pop up shop. What people are shopping for is small gifts for their friends, moms, sisters, items under $75.00 or so. Our Carlo coin purse and leather Rocco e Dante cuffs came in handy and we sold a lot of them. I am finally starting to clean out my 2010 inventory. One of the great lessons learned from doing some retail selling myself is that I learn more about my customers and my potential customers. My customer knows a good quality handbag and they also like a bargain. I also learned that I need to offer a wider selection of price points. Not everyone needs another $600 handbag, but everyone can always find an excuse to treat themselves to a small leather goodie like a "Joe" leather cuff for under $100.00! Their Sugar Daddy doesn't bat an eye and they don't need to hide any shopping bags from their husbands. ha ha. (not that I have ever hidden a shopping bag from my husband, he does not even notice when I wear a new outfit, un