
Showing posts from November 28, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone an amazing Christmas!

Buy one Rocco e Dante leather cuff and get the other 50% off.

Dear BFF's,  We are running a holiday special between now and the end of 2010!  Can you even believe its almost the end of 2010?  Boy the time does fly faster-the older I get!  So any leather Rocco e Dante cuff at regular price gets you the second one at half off!  Great deal.  Email us at if you want to place an order.  We accept paypal and all major credit cards.   The leather arm candy makes great stocking stuffers for your mom, your BFF, your girlfriend or just about any woman between 20-60 that likes to rock the latest trends in a classy way!  Happy Holidays!  Love, Rocco, Dante and Tara Happy Shopping!

Almost the end of a year.

Just wrapped up two days at a pop up shop.  What people are shopping for is small gifts for their friends, moms, sisters, items under $75.00 or so.  Our Carlo coin purse and leather Rocco e Dante cuffs came in handy and we sold a lot of them.  I am finally starting to clean out my 2010 inventory.  One of the great lessons learned from doing some retail selling myself is that I learn more about my customers and my potential customers.  My customer knows a good quality handbag and they also like a bargain.   I also learned that I need to offer a wider selection of price points.  Not everyone needs another $600 handbag, but everyone can always find an excuse to treat themselves to a small leather goodie like a "Joe" leather cuff for under $100.00!  Their Sugar Daddy doesn't bat an eye and they don't need to hide any shopping bags from their husbands.  ha ha.  (not that I have ever hidden a shopping bag from my husband, he does not even noti...