New Treasures in Storage!

Moving from Washington to California has been one of the most stressful events this past few years. The fun part was I had to empty a storage in Seattle, old boxes I had not gone through in years. It has been fun to read old love letters and dig through all photos. I found old photos from the time I was a movie double in Phuket, Thailand. Wow. I had a pretty interesting life before I got settled down and started the domestic bliss (really is that what they call it?) I will post some photos soon of those times! It is interesting how the adventures of the past have shaped who I am now.. I decided I will start to travel solo again. It is one of those things that I have not done for years and I miss it. Sometimes you have to be true to yourself and do what makes you happy. (I have put off this for a long time) My next trip I plan to go to Asia by myself to meet up with old friends and enjoy what I used to do every year...