
Showing posts from August 25, 2013


For someone in the fashion industry I have surprisingly little in terms of clothes and shoes.   I rarely shop for myself, but when I do, I buy what I want when I see it, and don't care if it is on sale or not.  I don't have time to hang out in the malls and so if I get the chance to go and I see something I like, I just buy it.   With that said, most of my clothes I wear and wear until they are rags and the same goes with footwear.  My philosophy is "quality over quantity". For Fall 2013 if you are thinking about buying a pair of boots, may I recommend the best boots on the planet?   I bought this brand this past winter and I have never worn a pair of boots as much.  They are amazing and make me feel like a badASS when I wear them.  (and very few things ever make me feel that way) The brand is called "FreeBird" by Steven.   The boots will set you back on average $300 but its totally worth it.   I have a similar pair to the ones featured here, but they ar