USA Handbag Factories List by Tara Sauvage.
Ciao! I get a lot of emails from other start up handbag designers looking for free advice. I don't usually give out free advice but sometimes if I am feeling generous I will blog about it or if you call me at the right time I will give out the information over the phone. Often I get asked where I get my handbags made. I don't give out names of my overseas factories, but I can list a few of my USA factories. I have made handbags with Portchester USA in Long Island City. I did like the quality and I did like the owner of the factory. He was helpful, cheerful and honest. (I can't say the same for all handbag factory owners.) I don't know how he is doing today, I will have to call him to say hello. He only makes leather handbags, so don't contact him if you want to make fabric bags. For more information please see their website and tell them Tara Sauvage referred you. I will add more to my list ...