
Showing posts from December 8, 2013

Happy Holidays from Sauvage Private Label!

To all my friends, vendors and coworkers, Wishing you a warm and joyful holiday season.  Be safe and enjoy the time you spend with family and friends.  I hope everyone gets at least a few days off for the holidays and can sleep in. Cheers! Tara & Family Dante and Rocco with Santa

Rocco Sauvage - Still In The Fashion Game...

I like to build brands.  It could be my brand it could be someone else's brand, but the bottom line is that I love to create.   It may not be successful and it maybe a bit never know until you try and find out.  Failure is part of being an entrepreneur or even an employee.   You will make mistakes if you have your own company and you will make mistakes on the job working for someone else.   I have found that having my own brand is more stressful then working for someone else.  You have further to fall when you do fall.  Just get up again. I don't fear failure because I have already failed a million times, but I am still here in the fashion game.  Fashion is either in your DNA or its not.  You either love it or hate it.  I still like to go through my leather swatches and magazines.   I will probably be 80 and have some type of business related to fashion, I just don't see it changing because its so much a part of ...

Design and Consulting. Free, Cheap or None Of The Above?

I have blogged about the topic of free fashion consulting before.   I get requests every once in a while...recently I got an email from an aspiring designer.  She wanted to know if she could call me to discuss her brand, what factory I recommended for her to produce at, and more questions regarding production and sourcing for her handbag brand.   When she contacted me I was in the middle of a week long business trip out of state.   I emailed her back and said I would be available next week and would be glad to set up a time to chat with her about my rates and to see if we were a good fit.  Guess what? She did not respond back. Why? Because she wanted me to spend time with her and give out my contacts for no charge.  This happens in a lot of industries and especially in fashion. I have over 15 yrs experience in the industry and it never ceases to amaze me that people expect me to spent 2 hours on the phone with them for free giving them all my contacts. ...