Working on new collection...

My factory and I have been working together for so long that now I don't have to spec out each detail on the bag...I can say, put back panel zipper pocket and they know exactly what I want...I can also say..the big zipper like the "Bella" bag..and they know exactly what I want. I dont have to pull out my zipper catalog and send them codes and sizes.  So awesome!  I am so lucky I enjoy the design process.  It has become like second nature.  I can almost design in my sleep...OK, well not really! The fact is that I don't sleep! I am a total insomniac and it drives people close to me crazy!  I miss out on morning now I only schedule things after 10 or 11 am!  I can't be counted on to drive somewhere at 8 am if I fall asleep at 5 am.  Really!!! I don't sleep!  It actually is not that fun, but I have tried everything to help me fall asleep.  I walk 3 miles per day or try to, I stay busy, I dont drink coffee after 3 pm, I have tried sleeping pills, nothing works!!!  Ugh.

I just realized I was spending way to much time on my facebook so I deleted my own personal account.  We will see how long that lasts!  It was a way to keep in touch with my family and friends, but my Mom does have my phone number so now she can call me instead of facebooking me!! ha ha.  We will see if that actually works.

So I am in the process of designing an ipad case based off of a vintage handbag I bought from a shoe repair guy in West Seattle 3 years ago.  I have had this vintage bag laying around my office, and then in storage.  I always wanted to do something with it..but could not figure out what - until now.  I have this I don't always have an easy time designing..sometimes it takes me a week to figure out what I want.  Designing for myself always takes longer than designing for someone else.  I have too many choices and ideas..its all about editing.

I feel I am rambling now...back to the drawing board to see if can do something with the ipad bag idea...


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