Almost the end of a year.

Just wrapped up two days at a pop up shop.  What people are shopping for is small gifts for their friends, moms, sisters, items under $75.00 or so.  Our Carlo coin purse and leather Rocco e Dante cuffs came in handy and we sold a lot of them.  I am finally starting to clean out my 2010 inventory.  One of the great lessons learned from doing some retail selling myself is that I learn more about my customers and my potential customers.  My customer knows a good quality handbag and they also like a bargain.   I also learned that I need to offer a wider selection of price points.  Not everyone needs another $600 handbag, but everyone can always find an excuse to treat themselves to a small leather goodie like a "Joe" leather cuff for under $100.00!  Their Sugar Daddy doesn't bat an eye and they don't need to hide any shopping bags from their husbands.  ha ha.  (not that I have ever hidden a shopping bag from my husband, he does not even notice when I wear a new outfit, until like the 5th time I have worn it - then he is like, oh is that a new shirt?)  So anyway, for my my next collection I am planning to offer several fashion accessories that are under $100 retail.  I think I can reach a wider customer base and make some more Rocco e Dante fans.

I am looking forward to a new year because I have lots of new plans on the horizon that I feel are great ventures.  I also have the same old new years resolution to lose ten lbs.  I have had that since I moved to Seattle in 2006, for some reason California women stay slim and Seattle women get fatter.  I can say that because I was a California girl for about a decade and then I moved to Seattle and gained ten pounds and I have not lost any of them.  Must be something with the rainy evenings in.  We used to go for a walk on the Strand in Manhattan Beach every single night.  Now I am lucky if I can get Rocco to walk one block in the rain.  Weather does make a difference!  But I don't miss the traffic in Los Angeles, that is for sure!

The new year should bring more opportunities for me to expand my business so that is great. I am really ready for that.  I have been keeping the business alive...barely so I can some day go big or go home.  ha ha.  We will see.

I am also working hard as the Creative Director as the designer behind a few other brands.  Its really hard to find time to work on Rocco e Dante when all my days are wrapped up designing for other brands, but its been great to expand my horizons and use my creative skills for other brands.   Its always good to stretch yourself professionally.   I really hope they do well, I have designed some great stuff in the past few months.  I don't blog about my clients, but once they take off, maybe I can name drop.  Its all on the down low for now!.

Gotta run, Dante is licking the floor, I hate that sound, so gross, but it means he was in the garbage and now has it all over the for me to clean up.  I love my pugs but they are super messy.


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